Posts filed under: Uncategorized

Hurricane Cliffs in Utah offers amazing mountain biking even for Baby Boomers!...
The Harvest Tour is a new way to celebrate early autumn from the seat of your bike — with some interesting stops along the route. Botetourt Co. Va. – Mary...
Sarcoidosis has kept me from accomplishing some of my cycling goals. In May 2021, I fought back with two century rides....
Taking the Biking 4 Boomers message to Daytime Blue Ridge on WSLS-TV 10. Roanoke, Va. (3/5/2021) Biking4Boomers is just a fledgling idea. A dream with just a few dozen views...
Before Boomers can bike -- well they need to upgrade! Check out the video of how we pimped out my Tallboy....
The latest Biking4Boomers video shows how two older guys found a good ride after being dropped by the group....
Biking4Boomers is a new YouTube channel focused on all the fun we older cyclists can have. I'm a Baby Boomer and I see a lot of people my age...
I have a small RV and big dreams. Minnie Winnie Dreams. I have this dream and I don’t know how to make it happen.  It’s all mapped out in my...