Lancaster Lager
Cyclists have a natural attraction to craft beer. Every time I pull in to a local brewery many of the cars are covered with bikes or bikes racks. It’s almost like Thule and Yakima should have a kiosk near the tap. When I ride locally, I try to time it so there is a craft beer involved. When I travel, I seek out the best brew pub. Ride + Beer = Beers I have Ridden. What’s your favorite? Consider Lancaster Lager.
Saying you went to a local brewery and ordered the lager is kind of like going to the Ben & Jerry’s and ordering vanilla. I get it.
I was with a guy once at a fancy but fun restaurant, and while the rest of us ordered sushi or the chef’s special, he ordered a grilled cheese sandwich. It wouldn’t have seemed so bad, but he was a bit of a gomer, and his menu choice pretty much confirmed it.

Enjoying a Lancaster Lager the day before a bike cycling event.
So, it is with a bit of misgiving and fear that I’ll be cast as the guy with the slide rule and pencil protector that I tell you I ordered the Lancaster Lager from a menu that included such opportunities as the Imperial Jo Milk Stout, the Hop Hog and the Shoo-Fly Pie Porter. But I did. And I liked it.
Mary and I were enjoying an appetizer at the Lancaster Brewing Company in Lancaster, Pa. Everything was great, but we had decided to sit outside, and it was hot. The sun hadn’t quite passed around the side of the building, so even at about 6 p.m. we were sitting in direct sunlight.
We were in town to ride the Covered Bridge Metric Century the next morning, and between the sun, having driven nearly five hours, and the pending ride I just wanted something light.
“It’s not like a Miller Light,” the server reassured me, laughing. As if the noble brewery in business since the 90’s, could stoop that low. Stoop to grilled cheese sandwich low.

The Philly Pretzel Twist
He was right. We ordered a Philly Pretzel Twist and Fondue to accompany the Lager and everything was right with the world.
Lancaster Lager: From the website — From a town long regarded for its lagers, Lancaster Lager shines as a traditional European-style Lager – smooth, balanced and extraordinarily drinkable. Light in color with an astounding malt presence this is not your average light beer.
Alcohol by vol.: 4.9% OG: 14 IBU: 15 SRM: 5
Availability: Year Round
Food pairings: chicken, seafood, sauasges, mild cheeses